

Disclaimer & Policy

Public Relations Policy: Most products discussed on this blog have been purchased by myself. Sometimes, they are gifts from others, or promotional freebies. I will also sometimes accept samples from beauty brands for consideration to review. However, reviews are not guaranteed, and I do not guarantee positive reviews. All reviews are my 100% honest and personal experience with the product(s) received. When a product provided for consideration is mentioned in a review, it will be disclosed in the post that the product was provided by the company who sent it. Occasionally, affiliate links may be used. Any affiliate links used in a post will be mentioned at the bottom, along with how the product was obtained, in the post's disclosure. For more information on disclosures, please see the Federal Trade Commission Disclosure Policy.

Personal Disclaimer: What I rave about on this blog might not give the same results for everyone. The beauty industry is so large because not everyone is going to like every product, and that perfect product is out there for everyone. I am just a beauty blogger on the search for her perfect products, and sharing with you the products I try on that journey. I'll tell you what I like and dislike, but you may not agree with me, and that's okay. I appreciate and encourage differing opinions on beauty products in the comments, as long as it is done in a respectful and tasteful manner.

Financial DisclaimerI reserve the right to include affiliate links to the products I talk about in my posts. This means that if you purchase any products through that link, I will earn a small commission. The inclusion of affiliate links are started at the start and end of a post, as well as if a post is sponsored. I rarely do posts for monetary compensation, but when I do, they will be disclosed at the top and bottom of the post, along with if I received a product free of charge from a company. If you see no disclaimer, it means that all products were purchased by me and that there is nothing to disclose. Keep in mind these things will not affect my thoughts on the products in reviews and other posts. Feel free to ask if there is any confusion.

Copyright: This blog and all content included are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized usage of photography, the brand Sammi the Beauty Buff, blog or social media content is not allowed without expressed consent from myself. Replication of my brand or content is illegal. All content on this website (posts, photographs, etc.) has been created by me unless stated otherwise and have gotten permission to use it here.

tl;dr: I'm an honest person, but I'm just one girl, so cut me some slack. Also, stealing is illegal, so please don't do it.

For any further information, please contact me via the methods in the About section. Thank you. Now let's get to the good stuff!